On Wednesday we were told to read an speech called "Ain't I A Woman?" by Sojourner Truth in Mr. Reitz's class. Seeing from the title I thought it was going to be about some womens rights stuff and oddly enough was I right. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a old-aged male from the 1800's that believe that women have small brains. No. I've been taught and I've been learned to believe that to women you have to be a gentleman. In a passage from "Ain't I A Woman?" it says "That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere.", she answers by saying "Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud puddles, or gives me any best place! Ain't I a woman?". From my set of opinions, why do we help women on carriages, get over puddles, and have them be in the best places? Because were trying to be GENTLEMAN! Geez. My bad for trying to be nice. My bad for helping you not get dirty. Yes, today I got my argument argued by some one saying "Well, it seems as your portraying women as weak". Being always taught that women should be treated like a glass vase I see women as not weak but, something to treat with gentle hands. But of course, like I've said a million times in this blog, it is just my OPINION.
Trolling around the Internet makes you see some very ridiculous stuff. Well check this out.

A Swarovski Crystal incrusted Samsonite Black Label briefcase. It's a re-issue of 1920's styled trunks but...LOOK AT IT!...it's ridiculously stupid.
Today Lazarides Gallery London set up an exhibition in the East Coast of NYC. The group show titled The Outsiders consist of a theme of mockery. Mockery of pop culture. An experience that almost all the time turns out to be humorous. It feature work from Invader, David Choe, Mark Jenkins, Todd James, Mode 2, BAST, Zevs, and Ian Francis amongst many others.

My music choice for these recent days has been Madlibs Beat Konducta Vol. 5: Dil Cosby Suite instrumental album. Like always, he does what he does best on his MPC. Only if you have love for hip-hop production will you be able to enjoy this album.

Even though this week has been a gloomy week I have to make it up for my self, and my surroundings, to have a good one this following week. This weekend seems to be like its going to be a long one, only way to resolve that is just to get through it. Tricia is feeling way better and I hope it stays like that. Get well.
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