Today is the 7th anniversary on the attacks of Spetember 11th, 2001. Odd, because I remember it like it was yesterday. I wake up to get ready for school on a cloudy day. Walking into the kitchen I see my dad looking at the t.v. on top of our fridge. Seeing that he was troubled by what he was watching I turn my attention to the t.v. and see the second plane crash into the second tower. Not knowing what was going on I continue with my morning. Missing the bus my dad drives me to school. During the whole drive it was silent until we arrived at the school, he told me "be careful, and if anything happens call me" as if he was giving his part of my protection for me to hold. During class my teacher turns on the radio and kind of explains to us what was happening. While in the background the commentator on the radio was saying "oh my God!, people out jumping out of the building now!". Being an immateur 9 year old I found this to be humorous in a way. Again, not knowing the depth of the truth and facts. Coming back home my mom tells me if anything happened at school. Naturally and calmly I say no and proceed to my room to watch some "after school cartoons". Flipping through the channels I could'nt find ONE channel with cartoons adding more ignorance to the accurance of that day.
Later on I learn why and what happened. Leading me to believe that today should be a day of mourning and appreciation. Appreciation of our loved ones. Appreciation of our surroundings. Appreciation of this earth. Appreciation of our lifes. Even though everyday should be a day of appreciation, today is a day to realize the appreciation.
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