Lets get away from the baddies.

As some people know, I'm a record/vinyl collector. When I saw this I simply just feel in love. Artist Jean Shin created this masterpiece called "Sound Wave". It puts more appreciation into the aesthetics of vinyls. Located in NYC's Museum of Art.

Q-Tip has finally released his artwork and tracklist for his new album I've been emancipating about "The Renaissance".
1. Johnny Is Dead
2. Won’t Trade
3. Gettin’ Up
4. Offishal
5. You
6. Fight/Love
7. ManWomanBoogie
8. Move
9. Dance On Glass
10. Life Is Betta
11. Believe
12. Shaka
Only waiting till it comes out so I can do my little album review.

Loop-Analysis is a production dou I'm in that my friend Nick started. Basically its two guys with an MPC(in the near future), a lot of vinyls, love for sample based Hip-Hop, and love for music. Around 3 years ago I started to realize Hip-Hop was sounding crappier and crappier and you know what they say, "If you can't beat them, join them". Not really. We are going to do Hip-Hop music that sounds like...HIP-HOP MUSIC. Nothing with 1000bpm (beat per minute) hi-hats, lame synth melodys, saying "yeah, I get money!" on every track, basslines that make crappy sound systems rattle, its simple going to be Hip-Hop as we know and fell in love with. Were going to be realeasing shirts, stickers, we have wallpapers for you computer, banners, and soon an album. So check us out at myspace.com/loopanalysis.

That all for today. Didn't blog as much because I'm bummed about my Mac but as soon as I get it fixed I'll let you guys know. For now, I'm just waiting. Not for my Mac, I haven't even send it to the Apple store. I'm waiting for...another thing. Get well.