Many of you know I am the last on person on earth who listens to The Beatles. I have always had this strong hate towards the bowl cut British boys. But, recently a producer by the name of Tom Caruana got a bunch of Wu-Tang Clan (one of my all time favorite hip-hop groups) acapellas and put them over beats consisting of only The Beatles's samples. As they say, "The best from both worlds collided." With only some exceptions, some of the samples are covers of The Beatles song. For example, "Forget Me Not" consists of a sample of a Reggae cover off The Beatles's song "You Won't See Me". As much as I hate The Beatles, I have to say, they do make great candidates for samples. And although this album is being only seen as a mixtape it is making itself known like an album, kind of like when DJ Dangermouse's got Jay-Z's acapellas off "The Black Album" and made "The Grey Album". If you have not heard "The Grey Album" consult with me, it is also amazing, and I will get a copy for you. Due to legal issue, the album is also for free! Go to this website, sign up, download, and enjoy.
Thanks to Ben Truman for telling me about the album.

Got you interested? Here is the website to the Zinburger joint I've been recently telling you guys about. They got beat out by Lindy's this year for "Best Burger in Tucson". But they have won the last two years.
just listened to some of the album.. freakin good stuff!