Today's start was unusual for my Saturday mornings. Usually, I sleep in and delight myself to a nice serving of cereal. This morning I woke up, got dressed, and headed to Herff Jones grad supply store to get my cap and gown (Which I was suppose to order a long time ago). There was maybe a good 5 parties in the little store. I noticed I was not the only one just getting the cap and gown. But there was one party in particular that was sure taking a long time. Listening to their business (it is not wrong when it is for research) I saw that they were ordering their daughter everything! From the class pen, to the class ring, to 150 invitations! They were the only un-minority party in the store. The case made me think about how important America takes education. Mainly the ethnicity with the highest population (I do not want to name any ethnic names). I have heard of cases of saving up to $50,000 for each child of the family for college tuition. Of course I have heard this from the people that employ my dad, un-minorities. Today I found out my families tax report for 2008 was only $19,000. For them the question is not if you are going to college, it is what college your going to. For me, a life of education simply seems right. When I asked my parents today if I we have $10,000 so I can attend a Summer English Program at Harvard they simply said, "We do not have the money." Luckily, Harvard does have financial aid for the summer program but when my parents first told me it did not seem like much. When I went back into my room I realized how much you can be restrained because of money, or simply in what position you take in the social hierarchy. My dad is blue collar/working class man that has to break a sweat or two to bring home the pork and my mom is unemployed. I go to a school that gets replies with a face of discuss when someone says its name. I come from a side of town that has been voted a couple times as one of the most dangerous areas in America. Boo f*****g Hoo. I am not even letting that restrict me and I got the brains but I still can not attend a summer program at Harvard. I guess I am not Ivy League material. But do not get me wrong, I am still going to try to apply. Leaving the store me and my dad headed to Jerry Bobs on Broadway. Instead of cereal I had eggs, ham, and biscuits with gravy for breakfast on a Saturday. The man sitting next to us was reading a book while eating his breakfast. My dad asked me why people take their time to read a book when there so many other things to do. Unusual for him to say that because my dad is an avid reader (the newspaper and the bible mainly). I explained to him that in coffee houses and cafes it is excepted to read a book or stay for a good couple of hours and ,of course, that it is always nice to read a book every once in a while. That lead to him asking me why I want to study English. I explained myself. He rebutted by saying I would not make any money. I explained myself. He still did not get me. I guess in order to be Ivy League Material I am going to take it into my own hands, like everything in life. Only if I was asian, rich, or lives in the suburbs of Connecticut with a Ivy League alumni father that is a lawyer. I will maybe be a douchbag, but only if.
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