"To recover broken ground is like looking for a conscience in the devil"
Just to note, this person did not get this quote from a famous author or philosopher or politician or Chuck Norris. She quoted herself. By doing so, she already gives this quote no credibility at all. Now lets get to the good part. From what I know and where I've gotten all my knowledge from (books, textbooks, movies, music, magazines, t.v. shows, Internet, and etc) the devil does have a conscience. Have any of you all seen this famous picture?

This is the picture I get in my mind when I'm deciding if I should eat the last Chocolate Glazed Donut. From there, a debate starts.
Angel: "Don't do it Hector. Remember you couldn't fit into those brand new jeans you bought the other day?"
Devil: "Ahh, don't listen to him. Eat it. Who cares. You walk around all day! You'll burn it off by 3rd period."
Angel: "That is not true! Studies and statistics have shows that in order to burn a 10oz donut you have to run 3 miles! That donut looks like a good 20oz's."
Devil: "Studies my butt! Haven't you heard that Mark Twain's quote on statistics?"
Angel: "No."
Devil: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -Mark Twain
Angel: "I didn't know he said that."
Devil: "Yup."
Angel: "Well I'll be damned... Metaphorically speaking of course! Not like be damned to hell or something."
Devil: "Well, it kind of figures."
Angel: "What do you mean?"
Devil: "You are and Angel. You probably went to some super religious school that burned books and stuff."
Okay, were getting of track. Anyways. We all have experienced this inner conflict that goes on in your conscience once in our life's. Usually, it's good and evil that are butting heads. And like we just saw, it is usually portrayed with an Angel and the Devil. (Because we all know everything portrayed as evil immediately gets either a Hitler mustache or named the Devil) Everyone in this universe has some sort of evil in them, some have the ability to express it in an easier manner. Our evil lives in our mind and most profoundly in our conscience. The Devil, the evil in all of us, does indeed have a conscience. But unlike our human conscience his conscience consists of only evil. Giving the Devil the ability to express and practice his conscience through each and every one of us.
Girl on myspace, you've been blogged. And I hope she never reads this either, which will most likel be the case.