As many of you know Atmosphere is one of my most favorite Hip-Hop acts. On July 4th, the day of our countries Independence, they released a free album. The album consist of only 7 songs. In the 1960's, 70s, or 80's this could have been considered a full length album. In today's terms, it's more like an EP. But what matters is that it was free of download just like their other purposely leaked album Strictly Leakage. The opening track "C'mon" has a very in your face feel but soon soothed with the summer feeling "They Always Know". I personally love this track. Slug's lyrics fit his thoughts about women and Ant seemed to go in a different direction with his production, but I'm liking it. "The Ropes", the following track, is a horn heavy song about a suicidal kid. "White Noise" seems to have that "ha, ha, ha, aha" feel to it. It's one of my least favorite tracks on this album. "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Pt. 2" has a lot of production similarities with "They Always Know" in a way. It seems like Ant made those beats in the same time span and again Slug talks about his addiction to coffee, cigarettes, and sex. "Mother's Day" contains a sample 50 other producers have used and yes you guess it, it's about mothers. The last track "Millie Fell Of The Fire Escape" has a very catchy sample and has Slug telling a nice story about a girl named Millie. Overall it's a good album but when I listen to it I get upset because you can notice how Atmosphere is evolving from Lucy Ford Atmosphere. But hey, that's what art is all about. Evolving.
Next- My thoughts on DJ Shadow's Endtroducing...
I thought I'll share this with you guys. Pie Lollipops.

Yes, lollipops made out of pie. You may be thinking right now that this is just another great example of America's love for food. True, but I also think their cute.
That's it for now. But don't worry Internet people. I will soon be back with fun facts, album reviews, overviews of my life, and so much more. Till then, see ya' later.
what? new post!? yay now i have reason to wake up in the morning again